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Blue Medical Spa

PRF & PRP Hair Restoration

Utilize your body’s own growth factors to regrow hair and prevent hair loss.

About Platelet Rich Fibrin

PRF hair restoration utilizes the healing properties of the patient’s own blood to stimulate hair growth. PRF requires a very specific centrifuge system, that uses a slower, longer spinning process to separate the fibrin and growth factors from the red blood cells. During the procedure, a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient, processed to extract the concentrated platelets, growth factors, and stem cells, and then injected into the scalp to promote natural hair regeneration. This cutting-edge technology harnesses the body’s innate regenerative abilities, offering a safe and effective solution for individuals seeking to address hair loss and promote thicker, healthier hair.

PRF & PRP Hair Restoration Before & After

Re-Stimiluate Hair Follicles at Blue Medi Spa

Discover hair loss solutions for both men and women at Blue Medical Spa in Sherman Oaks. PRF can safely and effectively help stimulate hair growth by increasing blood supply to the hair follicles. Schedule a consulation today at our top-rated Los Angeles Medi Spa.

Frequently Asked Questions.

PRF is 100% natural with zero additives. Platelet-Rich Fibrin is a component of your own blood. Blood contains platelets, which contain growth factors that help stimulate soft tissue healing.

A numbing cream may be applied to the area of treatment. *(depending on need and area being treated)

Approximately 2-4 vials of blood will be drawn from your arm.
The tubes of blood are then centrifuged to separate the PRF component cells.

The liquid is then transferred into a syringe and applied topically or injected using a fine needle.

PRF is effective with as little as 1-4 treatments, in most cases, though no guarantees can be made regarding specific benefit from this procedure. Additionally, the nature of any cosmetic procedure may require a patient to return for numerous visits to achieve the desired results and/or to determine whether PRF is effective in treating your concerns.
The patient may feel a slight stinging or tingling sensation which will subside after 45-90 seconds. Numbing is generally applied if done with micro needling, but not required for standard PRF injection. A fan or cool breeze may be used for the comfort of the patient.
The PRF treatment can typically be done in approximately 45-60 minutes. Once the first procedure is completed, future applications will become more streamlined. The actual PRF application only takes 15 minutes to administer.
Patients with a history of cancer, or have received chemotherapy are not eligible for treatment. Please see our medical treatment provider for alternative options.

Pre + Post Care Instructions

Please increase your intake of fluid the day before your procedure by simply drinking 2 extra glasses of water in the morning and the afternoon, if possible. Try to eat a normal breakfast or lunch the day of your PRF session, to avoid lightheadedness. Avoid aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Iburprofen, Naproxen, Voltaren or any other anti-inflammatory medications for at least 3 days before your procedure. We want inflammation to occur – as this is one mechanism by which PRF works! You may take Tylenol for any pains, discomforts or joint pains you may have.
Post treatment you may resume normal activities. If the PRF treatment is done in conjunction with micro-needling, sun exposure should be limited for the first 24*48 hours, and makeup should not be worn for at least 24 hours. Your particular post care may vary based on the extent of your PRF procedure and/or its conjunction with other treatments. We ask that you limit excessive exercise on the day of the treatment, and treat any post injection irritations with Tylenol and/or ice. Flying same day, post treatment, is not recommended.
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